The 1841 Cohort

This group is comprised of 292 individuals, 144 girls and 148 boys. In creating the group, I recorded all those listed on the 1841 Census for the parish, who were up to and including 9 years of age. This was done as the final part of my module on Local and Family History with the Open University, with the aim of establishing migration patterns.

I must lay my cards on the table, and say at the start that no distinctive patterns were discernible. However, since I started this study four decades ago, the amount of information that has been made available online has grown exponentially, and I have amassed a whole body of information about these individuals, as well as other information about the parish.

Much of this is on Ancestry, but some types of information don’t easily ‘fit’ that model, plus some people don’t have access to the site, so I aim to use this site to place it under the aegis of a One-Place-Study.

The names of the individuals are listed below.

Jane Allen

Elizabeth Bendall

Harriet Bennett

Sophia and Thomas Berry

Emma Bird

Sarah Bishop

Alfred Brain

Henry Bruton

Thomas, Richard, Mary and Joseph Carpenter

Hannah, Mary, and John Clark

Elizabeth, Emma, and William Cole

Fanny Cole

William Cole

Andrew Cornock

John Cornock

George and James Dean

Emma, Elizabeth, John and Rachel Earl

Charles Elliott

Fanny Gabb

Thomas and Ellen Gabb

Sarah, Henry and Ann Gabb

Emma, Elizabeth, Isaac and Bilhah Gazard

Rebecca, Sarah, and Ann Gazard

Ann Gibbins

John, John and Mary Gillings

Sarah and Jane Gillings

Emma, Henry, and Francis Hale

Anthony Hancock

Mary and Caroline Hobbs

Robert Heard

Adam Hooper

Jenkins families

The Jones family

The Long Family – William, George, John, and Henry

Samuel, Joseph, Ann AND Ann Martin

Ann May

Sarah Ann May

The Munday family

Mary and Robina Newton

The Nicholls

George and Henry Organ

Organ family – Mary, Rebecca, David and Sarah

Mary Organ

Fanny Organ

Philip and Edward Owen

Fanny Elizabeth, Sarah and Thomas Park

Moses, Sarah and Ann Parker

Helen, James, Caroline and Charles Parker

Caroline, Elizabeth and Harriet Parker

Caroline and Mary Payne

Ann Peacey

Emily Pearce

Henry and Jacob Pepworth

Rebecca and Sarah Philpot

William and Ann Pick

Sarah, Henry, William, Sidney and Eliza Poole

William Ponting

Mary Powell

Thomas Price

Hannah Read

Sarah Sherman

Henry and Edwin Smart

James William Smith 

Sarah Tavinder

Harriet Timberal

Elizabeth, George and Tamar Trotman

Jane and Emma Trotman

Thomas and George Turner

Eliza and Charlotte Turner

Sarah Ann Vizard

Simeon Weakes

Eliza, James, Osbourne, and Llewellin Webb

Sarah, Solomon, Eliza, and Dinah Webb

Rowland Webb (1841-1918)

Mary, George, Sarah and Emma Webb

Joseph Wilcox

Sidonia, Joseph and Hannah Williams

Jane Williams

Henry Witchell

Caroline Wittaker

Henry Woodward

Woodward – William Vines and Julia

Lidia and William Workman

John and Joseph Wyatt

As can be seen, there are several name duplications. 5 Ann Organs for a start, as well as 3 Samuel Organs.

Another problem in tracing individuals is changing of spellings, to be expected in an era when society was only starting to become universally literate. Millard and Milled were interchangeable, and Every was often (but not always) recorded as Avery. Gillings and Jellings were substituted for each other. It took me a long time to realise that Wittaker (and its numerous variations) had been previous recorded as Widigar.